Trumpeter 00398 1/35 United State Army M1131 Stryker FSV
The M1131 Fire Support Vehicle [FSV] provides enhanced surveillance, target acquisition, target identification, target designation, and communications supporting the BCT with “first round” fire-for-effect capability. It integrates the current M707 Striker Mission Equipment Package.
The fire support team (FIST) consists of the fire support officer (FSO), the fire support (FS) NCO, and one fire support specialist. It is equipped with the fire support vehicle (FSV) and has the Striker to provide a combat laser designation capability for delivery of precision artillery or aerial-delivered munitions. The FIST assists the company commander in planning, integrating, coordinating, and executing all types of available supporting fires during tactical operations. The FIST is the commander’s primary fire support coordinator and provides the commander a direct link to battalion indirect fire support systems.
- Lower Hull / Suspension
- Converted one-piece multi-slide moulded lower hull with the lower front hull plate a separated part.
- All the underside
- Scale: 1:35
- Item Type: Static Armor
- Model Dimension: Length: 215mm Width: 84 mm
- Total Parts: 491pcs
- Metal Parts: n/a
- Photo Etched Parts: 2pcs
- Film Parts: n/a
- Resin Parts n/a
- Total Sprues: 15 sprues plus lower hull, upper hull, 8 rubber tires
- Paint Schemes: US ARMY