Windsock Datafile 02 Building the Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V/D.Va
Windsock Datafile 02 Building the Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V/D.Va
FOR the second WINDSOCK Worldwide Modelling Special, Ray Rimell turns the spotlight full-square on Wingnut Wings’ hugely popular 1:32 scale Albatros D.V/D.Va kits, presenting a comprehensive meld of practical modelling guides,unique archive reference,exclusive airframe close-up details,and all-new Ronny Bar colour profiles.Profusely illustrated with over 250 photos,this 48 page builders’ guide to the iconic WWI Albatros fighters includes mini-reviews of both kits; a detailed D.V build log;D.Va ‘quick-build’,and an extended section on building the D.Va with suggestions for super-detailing and adding upgrades, as well as fully exploring the foolproof application of ‘lozenge’ decals and masking techniques for complex colour schemes.
Other chapters cover the creation of further details and dioramic display considerations,and there’s also a full listing of available 1:32 scale after-market Albatros model accessories and decals. In addition are three archive spreads of rare wartime photos supplementing those appearing throughout the main chapters,with yet more supporting the 15 colour captions; a centrespread of TVAL’s first two Albatros D.Va reproductions,and over two dozen colour close-ups of both aircraft to help modellers seeking to go the extra distance.