Steam Era Models R19 HO VHGF Wheat Hopper – V/Line Kit
V/Line VHGF Wheat Hopper Kit
Tulloch Limited of Rhodes, N.S.W., constructed an initial batch of one hundred aluminium wheat hopper wagons in 1966. These wagons bore code/numbers GJX 1 to 20 and GJF 21 to 100. A similar design, but featuring steel construction, was prepared and one hundred steel hoppers were constructed in 1968/69 by Steelweld of Victoria. These wagons continued the GJF code, being numbered 101 to 200. Further GJF wagons were fabricated in steel at Newport and Ballarat Workshops which extended the number series. The various batches of steel hoppers varied in details such as type and arrangement of brake equipment, including hand brake, filling hatches, discharge outlets, walkways and sidesill cross section. This kit is representative of wagon numbers 381 to 635 constructed from 1984 to 1987 at Ballarat Workshops. These wagons were originally coded VHGY but were changed to VHGF in more recent years.