Postage Stamp 53791 1/145 USN E-2C Hawkeye VAW-116 Sun Kings
The E-2 Hawkeye is a twin turboprop, carrier based tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft made by Northrup Grumman Corporation. Its unique 24 foot diameter rader dome mounted on its wings is used for sea and land surveilance, to direct fighter pilots to their target locations, control search and rescue missions, relay radio communications and even as an emergency air traffic control unit. It entered service in 1964 and has been continuously upgraded and operated by 8 different nations, making it the most widely used AEW system in the world. Established in April 1967 the VAW-116 Sun Kings is a US Navy Command and Control Squadron that has a long and colorful history dating back to the Vietnam War Era. The Sun Kings are still operational today.
This model is approximately 4 1/2 inches long with 6 3/4 inch wingspan.