MiniArt 35342 1/35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf J Nibelungenwerk Late Jan -Feb 1945
The Panzer IV was the only medium tank to remain in production from before World War II until 1945. Its total production number, more than 8,500 vehicles from variant A to variant J, represents 30% of the tanks produced by Germany.
At the beginning of the war, the Panzer IV was the most powerful vehicle the Wehrmacht could count on, but it was almost immediately realized that the short-barrelled 7.5 cm KwK 37 (KampfwagenKanone 1937) L/24 (1.76 m barrel length) guns were not able to fight against more armored enemy vehicles. However, they were not meant to, as the Panzer IV was designed as a support vehicle for the Panzer III, destroying fortifications and enemy emplacements, not enemy tanks.
- Highly Detailed Plastic Model Kit
- Turret Interior And Driver Compartment Are Accurately Depicted
- Fighting Compartment With Full Ammunition Included
- Movable Hatches Can Be Modelled In Open Or Closed Positions
- Transmission Compartment Accurately Represented
- Engine Included
- Workable Tracks Included
- Clear Plastic Parts Included
- Photo-Etched Parts Inclu