Light My Bricks Lighting Kit for LEGO NASA Apollo Saturn V 21309
Light My Bricks Lighting Kit for LEGO NASA Apollo Saturn V 21309
The NASA Apollo Saturn V was an iconic moment in space history and LEGO and the Ideas team released an iconic set to mark that momentous occasion. To celebrate the launch of the popular LEGO rocket set, Light My Bricks released a Lighting Kit specifically for this set.
It’s Time to Light it Up!
This light kit is designed to light up ALL 3 stages of the rocket’s formation. Whether you want to stack the rocket or have the sections split apart, you’ll be sure the lights make your Saturn V model look like it’s ready for take off!
Light My Bricks LEGO Lighting Kits provide an easy way to light up and customise brick models using LED lights. All Light My Bricks sets are designed to be easy to install and plug and play – no technical know how required!